Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Hi, my name is Diesel and I am a self-diagnoser.  I've got just enough knowledge of the human anatomy and sports injuries to have a pretty good idea of what is wrong with me when I do injure myself.  I may do a little research or ask some people a few questions, but if and when I ever make it into a doctor's office, it is usually just to have him confirm what I already know. This behavior has been greatly encouraged over the years because usually I'm right.

With this "Marathon Knee" thing I've got going on, I'd decided on one of two things: Runner's Knee or IT Band Tendonitis.  In other words, rest, stretch, maybe a little rehab....same ole, same ole...
Diesel Knee

So, as a sat in the office with my orthopedic doc and listened to him explain to me where my IT Band is and how if it gets inflamed it can cause pain...I just smiled on the inside.  Hahaha! Right again!!

But then he said words I've never heard before, "However," (dramatic pause as he flips to another x-ray view of my knee) "I think you may have a stress fracture."


Oh, no no no no no no no.  That wasn't on my radar.  I mean, at all.  Must be a mistake.  I don't see that tiny little grey line...nope...don't see's not there.
But you don't understand, I'm a runner!  That means that I run.  It's what I do.  I have a blog, for gods sake!  I can't take 4-6 weeks off!  I'm already getting twitchy from taking two weeks off.  (I'm not gonna cry...I'm not gonna cry...).
Now, whenever I've had someone freak out on me like this, my first tendency is to slap them just to bring them back to earth (P.S. I've never actually done that), which is exactly what my doctor did.  Not physically, but verbally.

"If you don't take a break and it is a stress fracture, the next step would be surgery and that would be life-altering."

Oh, well, when you put like soon can we schedule the MRI?
Stay tuned, my friends.

Run Strong! (you know I'm jealous, right?)

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