Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stop Making Resolutions!

OK, be honest.  How many of you have made your New Year's Resolutions and your list looks a lot like the one you made a year ago?  Probably looks something like this:

"Exercise more"..."Eat healthier"..."Cut back on sweets"..."Drink less alcohol"

Sound familiar?

That's exactly why I don't make New Year's Resolutions.  They might as well be called New Year's Wishes!  I would spend time reflecting on all the different ways I could be "better" in the next year and think that this year was going to be different...this year I was determined...this year was the year...and by March I was hiding in dark corners eating Reese's Peanut Butter cups like they were my last meal.

So, let's stop calling them Resolutions already and let's set some GOALS!  Goals are strategic and solid.  However, goals can also become wishes if you don't make plans to reach your goals.  I've put together a few tips to help you do that. 
  1. BRAINSTORM THEM: Write down all the things you'd like to make "better" this year.  I mean, just dump it all out there.  No rights, no wrongs.  Write it all down.  I like to use post-it notes because it helps keep me concise and to the point.Brainstorm
  2. BUCKET THEM: Look back through your list and see if you can 'bucket' things.  For example, "cross train more" and "get back to the weights" fall under Health/Fitness Goals, where "read more books" and "take an art class" may fall under Personal Growth.  You should start to see some themes in your thoughts.  I like to think of FUN names for my buckets, so Health/Fitness becomes "Work That Body, Baby" and Personal Growth is "If Momma Ain't Happy...".  The point is make it fit your personal style!Buckets
  3. QUANTIFY THEM: Now, at this point we still just have wishes, so now is the time to make your list measurable.  So, "cross train more" becomes "Take three group fitness classes per week" and "read more books" becomes "Read one book per month".  Some things may just have a "due date" because they're one-time deals. I want to take an art class, so that could become "Sign up for an art class by March".  Also, some things may become repetitive and need to be taken off the list.  For me this was "Lose weight".  If I do the other things in my bucket, I should see some weight loss.  Plus, I personally don't want to get hung up on my weight.  Might be different for you...
  4. SCHEDULE THEM: OK, here's the hard part...finding time to fit all of it in! It is an absolute MUST that you schedule your goals into your daily/weekly/monthly calendars.  Use whatever is easiest for you.  I love using an old-fashioned paper planner.  However, there are great smartphone/tablet apps, too!  The point is it has to be something practical that you will use.  Once you have things scheduled, treat them as if they were appointments with your boss or a doctor.  Work all other activities around them and/or fit them in around your work schedule.Schedule
  5. TRACK THEM: Keep a journal and/or a log of your progress (or lack thereof).  Apps come in very handy for this part!  Personally, I love "My Fitness Pal" for my Work That Body, Baby goals.  There are bunches out there, though.  Again, find what works for you!  I've found that keeping a log or journal keeps me be accountable to my goals and helps me see trends when I start making excuses as to why I didn't do something I said I'd do.Excuses
  6. TELL THEM: Last, but not least, TELL SOMEBODY!!!  Have someone else hold you accountable, as well.  Someone who will support your goals and help you be successful.Easy out

Things to keep in mind -
      Make the time
    • You may have to ramp up your goals.  For example, if you don't work out at all and your goal is to work out 5 times per week, you may want to start with three days a week to keep it realistic.  Set a date to add Day 4...and then Day 5.
    • You may not have time to do everything.  Pick maybe 2-3 things that take priority and work those in for the next 4-6 weeks and then reevaluate.

Hope that helps!!  Let me know what some of your 2014 goals are and, of course, keep me updated on your progress!!!  May 2014 be your year!!!!

Run Strong!

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