I live in Auburn, Alabama, commonly known as "The Loveliest Village on the Plains", though you are hard pressed to find a "plain" to run on. In fact, it is pretty much impossible to run for any significant distance without encountering a hill or two. So, over the years I've learned several different ways to deal with running hills depending on my fitness level at the time. Here are a few different options:
Use Imagery
If you're the kind of person that really likes the sports psychology side to running, using imagery is probably right up your alley. My dad will tell you that he imagines a hill as an escalator and he's just along for the ride. Thinking that way helps him maintain a smooth stride and allows him to regulate his breathing. Others just simply picture themselves already at the top and use that sense of accomplishment to urge themselves on. I tend to imagine the hill as something to conquer - almost a living, breathing thing that can be defeated. It becomes a competition and drives me to win!Walk All or Part of the Hill
Though it is my least favorite option, walking hills is a very viable way to train, especially if you are brand new to running and/or if you are finishing up a distance run and have hit the wall, so to speak. I know I've had times (more than I'd like to admit) when I'm on a something-teen mile run and certain hills just get the best of me. Walking seems to be the only way to make it to the top without passing out! However, I always make a mental note...that hill goes on my "list". There will come a day when we will meet again...which takes me to my next option.Make That Hill Your Bitch
OK, so you know there had to be a "Diesel" way to get up a hill!! This option is all about attitude. It is a combination of imagery - Me vs. the Hill - and fighting determination. It's a no-matter-what mental state. It's what I use as revenge on the hills on my "list". The ones that had beaten me before...now it's my turn!Making a hill your bitch does come with a warning: you can get yourself in trouble by biting off more than you can chew. I've made it to the top before and realized that was it...I'm out! I just used up all I had left in my tank to beat that hill and I've still got miles to go. That's never a good feeling. You want to hold just enough back so that when you get to the top you can look back over your shoulder and whisper ever so quietly, "I just made you my bitch"! Ha!
What's your most-used method of Hill Domination?
I'd love to hear how you get up and over those hills! Whatever works, right?!?! Leave your comments - they are much appreciated!Run Strong!
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