Tuesday, July 29, 2014

All I Really Needed to Know I Learned From My Runs: My Advice to the "Want-To"s!


My runs have taught me so much about myself, coping with life, and being strong. I've pulled together some of those random truths to share.

This list is a lot of what I learned that made me really get comfortable just running. It's the advice I'd give to anyone who says they "Want to" start running or would consider themselves a beginner. Of course, we all know that sometimes you have to get back to the basics no matter how long you've been doing something. In other words, there is a little bit in here for everyone!

I've also added in a few from some of Diesel Fuel's Facebook fans. Keep following Diesel Fuel on Facebook for more lessons and add your own to the list! Enjoy! 

Truth #1: There is no such thing as too slow.

I started with this one because it completely changed my running mindset. Before that, I was pretty embarrassed by my slow pace. It was only after I was able to "embrace my pace" that I decided it didn't matter how slow I was moving - at least I was moving! It freed me up to run longer and run happier!


Truth #2: It is OK not to win.
Once my boys got old enough to understand what was going on, before I'd head to the start line of a race, they would tell me, "Go Mommy! I hope you win!". Sweet, yes; realistic, absolutely not. (See Truth #1). Now, I'm a pretty competitive person and I like to win, so I had to get OK with not winning. The silver lining is that there's so much more to the Run than winning...read on...

Truth #3: Not winning does not mean that you lost.
And, that is why it's OK not to win. Yes, there are people out there who do run to win, and I am in awe of them, but for me, it's about the Run. It's about doing better than I did last time. It's about beating off the demons that try to bind my feet. And it's finishing when I just want to quit. There is a story to be lived -and told - from the Start Line to the Finish Line.

Truth #4: Take it one mile at a time.
I'm often told by people that they don't know how I do it. That they can't even run a mile. Well, neither could I when I first started running. Neither could any of us. Until we did it. And then we added one more, and then one more...

Truth #5: Never trust the first mile.https://www.facebook.com/runondieselfuel
The first mile is a liar. It tries to tell you that you really don't feel like running today. That your knee hurts or that it's too hot. It makes you feel out of breath and tired. Usually none of that is true! It's just your body adjusting to the extra work you are asking it to do. I try not to make any decisions about my run during the first mile.

Truth #6: If you run, you are a Runner! Claim it!
It took me a while before I would claim to be a Runner. I guess I just didn't feel like I "deserved" it because I wasn't very good at it. The thing is, once I claimed that label, I gained tons of confidence which gave me to guts to improve a little at a time. No matter how much or little you do run, start telling people you're a runner and see what happens!

Run Strong!!!!

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